Australian reInvestment OPtions


In addition to the Producer Offset that entitles your production company to a 40 per cent rebate on eligible feature films and 30 per cent on other eligible formats with significant Australian content, Dreamgate Studios will reinvest a portion of its profits back into your project, thereby reducing the amount of film financing required


Ask us to do a visual effects breakdown on your project and see how much reinvestment we can achieve and how much you will save by having Dreamgate Studios on your team.

Investment graphic

For international productions

Definition of PDV

The PDV Offset provides a financial incentive for post, digital and visual effects production in Australia.

It is aimed at enabling the Australian visual effects, postproduction and animation sector to continue to develop its reputation as one of the best and most cost-effective in the world. The PDV Offset is applied at a fixed rate of 30 per cent of Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure (QAPE) related to PDV activity on an eligible film or television project. To access the PDV Offset, an applicant must obtain a certificate from the Australian Minister for the Arts. Where a certificate is issued, the applicant company can claim the offset in its income tax return for the relevant income year. Dreamgate Studios can help your production company apply for and obtain this certificate.